
Welcome to the Alton and Bradley Art Blog

Hi my name is Pam Dunphy. I am the new art teacher in Alton and Bradley. I'm so excited to start teaching the students in these two schools. This Art Blog will include art activities during this school year, 2022-2023. I had this blog for a while when I was teaching at Old Town Elementary. Instead of creating a whole new Art Blog, I changed the name so as to include all of the cool student art works that the OTES Art Blog contains.


Trees from Russia

The fifth graders created cardboard trees that were inspired by a Russian art movement called Constructivism. Mr Muenier taught the students different approaches to attaching pieces as they built their trees. They turned the hallway into a beautiful exhibit.

Ava and Kaylee are two aspiring artists who are happy to share their work.

Great job, Kaylee!

Wow, Ava!


The third graders took a look at the onion dome architecture of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russia. They had to work in a group to design an inspired Onion Dome Tower. 

After the first graders printed their snowflakes and mounted their prints on colored and white paper, they added rowan berries, strawberries, and more snowflakes as a decorative border. The subjects they used are ones that are found in Russia.

Then it was,"Roll a lot of tape, put it on the back of your art work, and out in the hall we go!"