

My name is Hannah Berta.
This semester I have the privilege of student teaching in the classroom of Mrs. Pam Dunphy as one of the final steps towards getting my Art Education degree and teaching certificate from the University of Maine. Although it's only week two, I can tell already that it is a good fit. Mrs. Dunphy seems to constantly brainstorm for new, bold and exciting approaches to the visual arts, and gives me plenty of space to both observe and chime in! I am currently working on a couple of units that mirror my own art interest and practice, and cannot wait to try them out with the students. 

As an artist myself, I love to explore themes of ephemerality, transformation, sustainability, environment, growth, and accessibility, to name a few. I do this through an extensive exploration of the fiber arts, which lend themselves well to these themes. While fiber is a large focus that a appreciate as a whole, my absolute favorite thing is creating works out of cut paper and cut muslin. I also seriously dabble with printmaking, where I like to combine cut paper with intaglio.
Here are a few examples: