
Art to Share

Jeremiah's on fire.

Davon's sketch is "Disney Magic".

Emily's 3-D world of wonder!

Artist Working in their Spare Time!

Mackenzie, you did a great job with that portrait!

Next is Kaylee with her awesome black and white sharpie drawing!

Samantha made a 3-D design with charcoal. Great shading, Samantha!


Lily's work in progress!

The OTES Art Fund Raiser

The students at OTES are finishing up their drawings for the Art Fund Raiser and they are looking amazing. Each grade level has their own subject and this is it. 
  • Kindergarten - Tree designs
  • First Grade - Flower designs
  • Second Grade - Leaf designs
  • Third Grade - Radial designs
  • Fourth Grade - Still-Lifes
  • Fifth Grade - Abstract designs
The company we are using is Square One Art and you can access them if you click on this link, https://www.square1art.com/

The money will help fund the Ceramic program, the OTES gardens, and the annual RSU34 Art Fair. You will be receiving the cataloge in February.



This is Natacia and the portrait of her that her uncle drew when she was younger. How do you like the train he painted for her?

Sorry for the reflection on the glass of the portrait.

Excellent, Hailey!


Third Grade's Overlapping Design

Before the third graders make their overlapping anthropomorphic initials, they are learning how to overlap. This lesson teaches about space like their landscapes in an earlier post. Overlapping shows subjects that are in front and behind.
Trace tape several times.
No overlap yet!

Erase lines that are behind or carefully skip over the lines in front to create the illusion of overlapping.

Working hard!

And look at the cool results!

Adding color

 Black overlapping vines

Fourth Grade's Sharpie Drawings

The fourth graders have been using black sharpies to create drawings of trees within a landscape. They had to use different types of marks and also create different values...lights and darks. Have a look at their work in progress.


Brooklyn's Decorating the Art Room



Kindergarten's Mobiles

Using wire, scissors, hole punches, sticks, paper, and hands the kindergarteners made marvelous mobiles.



The first graders are just starting drawings of their families. Look at these artists at work.

3rd Grade Landscapes

The third graders worked hard on thier landscapes. You can see them going through the process of developing space....what is close and what is far away. The subjects that are at the bottom of the paper is the space closest to the viewer and as your eye travels up the page the space gets farther away. 

Check it out!