

Lily is proud of the doll she made at home. We are proud of you, too!

Emma looks like an artist. She is ready for the day.

Mackenzie loves to draw.

Jeremiah wasn't a bullfrog when he and Nick made this puppet.

Jeremiah stands proud!

Seamus loves to draw.

A double curve design that is drawn by Liam.

Great puppet Julia!

Old Town Elementary Fifth graders are glazing soup bowls for a community soup supper on February 11th. It will be on Wednesday from 5-6:30 in the OTES cafeteria. The bowls will be for sale and the money raised from the sales will go to Crossroads Ministry to feed the hungry. Maddie, Colby, Madelyn, Ramatulai and all of the other fifth graders are working hard to make the bowls beautiful.

Gabe, are you going to battle?

Abby and her beautiful paintings.


In the Art Room the second graders have been learning about fold cuttings. In the hallway outside the Art Room you can see the wall filled with snowflakes. This was their first fold cutting lesson. Now the children are learning about Polish fold cuttings, or wycinanky. In this video a woman cuts out a beautiful tree. She is using sheep shears to make beautiful cuts.