3-D Designs
The fourth grade lesson is making designs that look 3-D.
Emmitt begins by drawing vertical lines that do not intersect on his paper. |
Next a line is drawn through the center area, which intersects all of the vertical lines.
Then the students used parallel curvy lines to create a round form. These lines are called cross contour lines.
In the above picture the cross contour lines that are above the intersecting horizontal line go in an upward curve. Under the line the curves go downward. This makes the middle section pop forward. |
Miss Alyokhin carefully draws her cross contour lines. |
Next comes the color......................
The students used bright colors on the left and the right on each section (see picture)and as the painted towards the middle they thinned the color to lighten it. White the brightest color in existence was left unpainted in the middle. This was supposed to create a sense of round form.

Zoey starts to add her colors. |
Check out these students hard at work!
Please, watch Caleb's tutorial!