
The puppets are coming along nicely.

Gabe and Max are at it again. On goes the competition. Gabe's dad teaches art at Old Town High School. Take a look at these close ups.

My name is Connor and I'm in the 5th grade. This is a graphite drawing I did.

Hi. My name is Brady. This is a drawing I did. My art teacher thinks it is a masterpiece.


Ms. Kennedy's 4th grade class, along with other classes, have been working hard to make their Japanese rod puppets. They are really starting to look awesome. They will be exhibited On April 3,2015 at Old Town High School for the annual OTES Art Fair. Please bring your support and come view these wonderful pieces.


If you keep up on the art blog from the previous weeks, you would see that our 4th grade students
have been working on Japanese Rod Puppets and we wanted to give  you a little insight as to where this inspiration has came.. 
The word Bunraku,  comes from Japan and is one type of  puppet theatre. It was founded in  Osaka in 1684. Please enjoy this video of the traditional Japanese Puppet Theatre performance.

This is a video of an autistic man who was taken by helicopter over Brooklyn, New York
and was asked to draw what he remembered from the helicopter ride. Check out this video of this man's work.
It truly shows how amazing each individual is.


Hi my name is Gabe. My friend Max and I are currently in a contest to see who has the best rod puppet. Do you like how mine looks like? If you want to vote for my puppet there should be a pole posted very shortly so you are able to vote for your favorite puppet. Thank you.


Hi my name is Max, This puppet was inspired by a Japanese Rod puppet. Currently my friend, Gabe and I are in a competition together to see who has the best rod puppet. Keep checking this art blog so you can see Gabe's rod puppet too and contribute in voting on you favorite puppet.

Hi, my name is Lindsey and I am in the After School Art club program. This is just one of the beads that art club has made so far. Do you like it? Keeping checking for photos of us to keep up on our progress.
 Hi my name is Cameron and I like to build mines with my legos.  I also like to research on the internet about mining. Do you like my lego mine? If so keep looking for more photo's of my work, thank you.


The second grade just finished a lesson on mask making! The challenge? Using paper and explorative folding techniques, create a mask that says something about you! Try to be bold, avant grade, but still think about the traditions behind the theme of making masks. The second grade met the challenge with many, many different ideas about how to use paper in new and exciting ways, and then got to present their mask in front of the class! Spectacular. Grade two continues exploration of fiber arts with weaving, stay tuned...

Getting messy with Grade 5! This week we continue study on pattern making and paper cutting! Fifth grade has been heavily looking into all different kinds- tessellations, repeats, natural patterns- as well as some of the traditions that happen in cultures all over the world. In this image, the fifth graders are bulk-prepping some muslin fabric with paint so that they will have their own handmade cloth to cut a repeat pattern from! The end result will involve a community installation piece that, like traditional work, will remind us that working together can produce hope, acceptance, and growth together!
Kindergarten at OTES has been working on a great installation project that involves working together as a community to create an installation piece! They have been collecting materials outside to decorate with concentric circles and stripes- a good technique for getting used to holding a paintbrush, mark-making, and line-control! The finished piece looks like a forest straight out of Dr. Seuss, and will remain outside next to the playground for as long as it holds up! What a good welcome, what a gift! Thanks kindergarten. OTES has some great memories because of you.



My name is Hannah Berta.
This semester I have the privilege of student teaching in the classroom of Mrs. Pam Dunphy as one of the final steps towards getting my Art Education degree and teaching certificate from the University of Maine. Although it's only week two, I can tell already that it is a good fit. Mrs. Dunphy seems to constantly brainstorm for new, bold and exciting approaches to the visual arts, and gives me plenty of space to both observe and chime in! I am currently working on a couple of units that mirror my own art interest and practice, and cannot wait to try them out with the students. 

As an artist myself, I love to explore themes of ephemerality, transformation, sustainability, environment, growth, and accessibility, to name a few. I do this through an extensive exploration of the fiber arts, which lend themselves well to these themes. While fiber is a large focus that a appreciate as a whole, my absolute favorite thing is creating works out of cut paper and cut muslin. I also seriously dabble with printmaking, where I like to combine cut paper with intaglio.
Here are a few examples:



This year Old Town Elementary is going to try something different. The art teachers from RSU34 expressed an interest on doing an art event combining all of the schools. So, this year our OTES Art Fair will be a part of this huge event. I anticipate a lot of fun for everyone.

CHANGES – The RSU34 art event will be hosted at OT High School, March 14th, from 5:00 - 7:00. OTES students’ art work will be exhibited in the gym. The children’s art work will not be for sale. When it is time for your family to leave, please take your child’s art work home. There will be a donation jar, if you want to make a dollar donation. The fourth and fifth graders will also be selling soap and soap dishes for $5.00 a piece. We will still have the Free Tree…we need toys or items that children can create with. The students will be running activities as usual. The food will be in the cafeteria.

BONUS – The other schools will have their students’ artwork on display and their activities to-boot. Fun! You will be receiving a formal invitation with a map. You’ll be able to see the new art wing. This could be a great community event that celebrates the Arts. There will be music entertainment also.

Please email me if you want to volunteer as a helper….pam.dunphy@rsu34.org  



This is Annie and her beautiful sunny picture that matches her warm smile.  There's nothing like beautiful artwork to warm up these cold winter days!

This is Sydney.  What do you think of his German Shepard paper mache sculpture? He made it at home!

Hi, my name is Ms. Miller!

Hi, my name is Ms. Miller.  I am an art education student from the University of Maine and currently student teaching at OTES with Mrs.Dunphy. I am enjoying getting to know all of the students and seeing the beautiful work they have been making.  I have been developing some lessons, some of which will be exhibited in the annual Art Fair. Stay tuned for more pictures of the kids as they create their masterpieces! I have included below an artist statement as well as some images of my own art work.  

As an artist, I am interested in exploring the narrative quality of nature through concepts of transformation, change, growth and form.  My work tends to speak to the easy and inherent quality of nature’s beauty to be over-looked.  I try to explain these minute details, instances, and observations and experiences I have through my work.  I enjoy working with many mediums, especially painting, sculpture, and printmaking.

Untitled. Acrylic on canvas. 2011.

sculpture II 10 sculpture II 9
Untitled. Welded Steel and Hemp. 2011.

sculpture II 11 sculpture II 12
Untitled. Welded Steel and Hemp. 2012.