
The second grade just finished a lesson on mask making! The challenge? Using paper and explorative folding techniques, create a mask that says something about you! Try to be bold, avant grade, but still think about the traditions behind the theme of making masks. The second grade met the challenge with many, many different ideas about how to use paper in new and exciting ways, and then got to present their mask in front of the class! Spectacular. Grade two continues exploration of fiber arts with weaving, stay tuned...

Getting messy with Grade 5! This week we continue study on pattern making and paper cutting! Fifth grade has been heavily looking into all different kinds- tessellations, repeats, natural patterns- as well as some of the traditions that happen in cultures all over the world. In this image, the fifth graders are bulk-prepping some muslin fabric with paint so that they will have their own handmade cloth to cut a repeat pattern from! The end result will involve a community installation piece that, like traditional work, will remind us that working together can produce hope, acceptance, and growth together!
Kindergarten at OTES has been working on a great installation project that involves working together as a community to create an installation piece! They have been collecting materials outside to decorate with concentric circles and stripes- a good technique for getting used to holding a paintbrush, mark-making, and line-control! The finished piece looks like a forest straight out of Dr. Seuss, and will remain outside next to the playground for as long as it holds up! What a good welcome, what a gift! Thanks kindergarten. OTES has some great memories because of you.